Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

i have a dream....

title of a song from some sort of boyband i think? (westlife? n sync? jonas brothers?) and i think i'm gonna tell you what my dreams are.. slim and macho. try to get buff with awesome biceps and tight abs. indonesia's best chef. i love my country so much. i love eating so much. combining those two together and you got this thing people call destiny

3.get a loving girlfriend/wife. this one seems so desperate but i feel lonely. i want this female to be on my side, supporting me, and love me. i've been such a failure in love cause i don't know what love is. i guess that's the downside for living a tough life eh?

4.freedom. yeah this one needs no explanation. free like a bird and no one can catch me. the world. i love this so much. explore new stuffs. discover beautiful places. dig the richness in culture this world has to offer. i must say that earth is heaven, so it's such a waste not to savour every bit of it don't you think?

i'm bored and i can't come up with some other stuffs so i guess this it lah 


i wanna customize my blog so it'll look cool. but how? please tell me.

mellow, friends, and naruto-ish bonds

i know no one reads my blog and i still write it.... well, not so much. i'll take this blog as my diary so when i'll be THE famous chef one day (yes it's my destiny haha) i'll have something fun to read. or what my fans want to read hehehe :P

i guess these days i'm a bit mellow. some say i'm in this phase of life where i am down, in the bottomless pit together with other emo kids. i'm not suicidal though as i have my faith in Him. but nowadays i just feel sad. i lost some friends. best friends. real best friends.

i called her my bestfriend. but for reasons that's too painful to talk about, our "bond" (referring to naruto) was cut. it's sad. and i began to check around again. who are my bestfriends? is it these guys who laugh together with you and go to the mall watch movies together? these guys who gave you a copy of homework? i don't know but it's for you to answer, after all people got their own perspective and we should respect them. so i got my own reasons for calling her "bestfriend" but uhh...... it's just sad.

so yeah my life now is a bit sad and my lovely PS3 just got a "yellow light of death", a terrible disease requiring $150 converted to rupiah or some technician skills to fix.


Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009


hello semua. hari jumat tanggal 16 oktober ini gua bakal retreat sama binus ke puncak. masalahnya gua gaenak badan, flu, pilek, tenggorokan gitu2 deh. okay done.

Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

Love Sonnet

halo semua nya. hari ini dikelas inggris bersama bapak Linus gua belajar ttg puisi dari italia namanya "Sonnet". jadi ini puisi yg terdiri dari 14 baris yg memiliki 10 syllables pada setiap barisnya. trus juga setiap baris ada nadanya/rhyme scheme gitu deh. trus akhirnya gua bikin sonnet ttg cinta gua ke rosy. kata Linus bagus banget. tau deh bener apa kagak. judge for it yourself!

I love you for the way you are Rosy,
you are that special one who took my heart.
And being with you feels really cozy,
for you are God's magnificent fine art.

Every time I see you, you make me smile.
Talking with you makes me really happy.
Just to see you, I'd walk a thousand mile.
You cheer me up when I'm feeling crappy.
In your eyes, I can see a lot of joy.
Love me girl, for I will forever try.
You turned me into a romantic boy,
and without you, loneliness made me cry.

But girl, what the hell do you think of me?
For you're the one who keeps ignoring me.

so that's it my love sonnet. dan i swear ini 100% buatan gua di kelas. gua tulis di buku gua sendiri pake hand writing gua yg ancur. klo ada kesamaan ama punya siapa gitu cuma sebatas gak sengaja. ok? and rosy, i hope you're reading it (:

Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009


hello people sekalian! malam ini gua menyelinap minjem mac emak gua buat nge-blog ini. jadi make it simple aja ah.
gua suka hari ini karena hari ini gua lg semangat belajar banget. dimulai dari inthum (pelajaran favorit) dimana gua belajar sejarah tentang John F. Kennedy. Kalo kata Gary (guru gua) "it's very fascinating!" dan seterusnya gua terus semangat belajar ampe akhirnya pelajaran art dimana kita suruh gambar cewe bugil yang tangannya buntung.
tp yg bikin gua semangat campur senang campur cendol adalah pas pagi2 gua dikasih cookies famous amos ama rosy. awww so sweet kue nya enak langsung gua LAHAP HABIS. tp box nya cute gitu. makasih banget yah rosy, i love you so much hehe. besok deh aku bawain mini cornetto nya buat kamu. hehehe.
that is all folks.

Kamis, 08 Oktober 2009

Udah lama gak nge-blog

hello people. gua tau ga ada yg pernah buka blog gua, tp gua mau mulai posting lagi abisnya keliatannya seru. si dika gila juga udah mulai nge blog lagi hehehe. jd tiap hari (gak juga) ini bakal di update..... klo ada yg minat baca.
sekarang lagi kelas IT nih gaada kerjaan jd nge blog aja. project term ini seru disuruh bikin komik. trus gua tuh nerd komik gitu. gua sering bacain. nih bbrp komik yg gua suka:

1.V For Vendetta (tp baca blm banyak)
2.Bleach (manga favorit gua, udah mentok di onemanga jadi bacanya tiap jumat)

3.Batman: The Killing Joke (seru itu ttg The Joker)

4.Naruto (seru kali, lagian ini bkn buat anak2)

5.Eyeshield 21 (manga ttg american football. seru ama kocak paraaaah)

masih bnyk lg sih yg gua suka. tp gua ogah upload2 fotonya. gua lebih suka manga2 dr pd komik amrik kaya spiderman soalnya art style manga lebih keren. gua juga baca Death Note, Rurouni Kenshin, dll.

sekian dulu ah. ngmng2 hari ini 9 october, sebulanan gua ama rosy karinaaaaaa hehehe (:

Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

blog pertama

Halo smua! gua baru bikin blog nih. trus rada ga ngerti segala macemnya. trus gua juga bingung mau nulis apa.

 ngmng" hari ini gua ke restoran manado abis pulang skolah. namanya Beautika (bener ga tuh spelling nya?). di hang lekir gitu, deket senci. trus gua makan nasi pake sambel roa (ikan pedes ga jls gitu, enak tp pedesnya bukan maen sob), trus pake kalong (daging batman itu loh) pake bumbu ijo ga jls juga tp pedes bangeet, trus pake cumi bumbu item ga jls (ga jls semua makanannya), trus pake ikan goreng kering ga jls gitu (ga jls lg), ama perkedel jagung yg enak bgt (nah ini baru jls). pedes semuaaa. gua ampe minum coke 1 botol ama aqua 3 botol. trus kekenyangan ampe mau muntah. trus pulang deh.

nyampe rumah gua ga mandi, trus nonton dvd, trus maen facebook, trus skype -an ama RISY, trus maen ps Resident Evil 5, trus makan masakan menado yg td dibungkus, trus dll. udah ah.