Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

mellow, friends, and naruto-ish bonds

i know no one reads my blog and i still write it.... well, not so much. i'll take this blog as my diary so when i'll be THE famous chef one day (yes it's my destiny haha) i'll have something fun to read. or what my fans want to read hehehe :P

i guess these days i'm a bit mellow. some say i'm in this phase of life where i am down, in the bottomless pit together with other emo kids. i'm not suicidal though as i have my faith in Him. but nowadays i just feel sad. i lost some friends. best friends. real best friends.

i called her my bestfriend. but for reasons that's too painful to talk about, our "bond" (referring to naruto) was cut. it's sad. and i began to check around again. who are my bestfriends? is it these guys who laugh together with you and go to the mall watch movies together? these guys who gave you a copy of homework? i don't know but it's for you to answer, after all people got their own perspective and we should respect them. so i got my own reasons for calling her "bestfriend" but uhh...... it's just sad.

so yeah my life now is a bit sad and my lovely PS3 just got a "yellow light of death", a terrible disease requiring $150 converted to rupiah or some technician skills to fix.


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